The Gateway Experience Waves I-V (15 CD-d kuues karbis)

The Gateway Experience Waves I-V (15 CD-d kuues karbis)

Hemi Sync - Monroe Products

Heas korras kasutatud audio CD-d. CD karpide kaantel kulumisjäljed ja kriimustused.

Robert Monroe created Gateway Experience for you. This remarkable, life-enhancing audio course takes you on a carefully designed, step-by-step journey that expands consciousness beyond the limits of physical experience. Drawing on his own well-documented journeys to other dimensions, Robert Monroe helps you feel comfortable, secure, and in control as you learn to explore non-physical realms of consciousness. The Gateway Experience is a life-enhancing program dedicated to the development, exploration and application of expanded states of awareness. Exercises in the Gateway Experience Wave series are specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies combined with verbal guidance and subtle sound effects (or music) to guide you into focused, whole-brain states of consciousness. You will be gently led from your physical waking state into deep relaxation then to those thresholds of consciousness where you may experience profound states of expanded awareness. While in such states, one has a broader range of perceptions available with which to solve problems, develop creativity or obtain guidance

Wave I - Discovery (3 CD)

The Mind Awake/Body Asleep state (Focus 10) and other "mental tools" are introduced in Discovery to help you experience expanded awareness.

1. Orientation – introduction and Focus 3
2. Intro Focus 10 – establish the state of mind awake/body asleep
3. Advanced Focus 10 – expand perception and learn greater control of personal energy
4. Release and Recharge – detach from old fears and negative emotions
5. Exploration, Sleep – techniques for expanding and exploring while asleep
6. Focus 10 Free Flow – experiment with all tools learned in Wave I

Wave II - Treshold (3 CD)

By dissolving fear barriers, Treshold opens new channels for expanding and integrating personal awareness.

1. Intro Focus 12 – establish the higher energy state of expanded awareness
2. Problem Solving – receive creative solutions to your questions
3. One Month Patterning –  reshape your life in desired directions
4. Color Breathing – link mind and body to energize and support healing
5. Energy Bar Tool – direct your nonphysical energies
6. Living Body Map – balance and strengthen the physical self

Wave III - Freedom (3 CD)

Become aware of your energy system and learn tools to control it. Focus 10 and Focus 12 exercises are designed to make perceiving and controlling your non-physical energy comfortable and enjoyable.

1. Lift Off – achieve ease with nonphysical experience
2. Remote Viewing – tools for distant perception
3. Vectors – reference points for easy movement
4. Five Questions – answers from your total self
5. Energy Food – absorb nonphysical energy
6. First Stage Separation – explore nonphysical consciousness

Wave IV - Adventure (3 CD)

Experience new things, learn new ideas, and meet new people. This album provides you with the ultimate expression beyond Freedom – that of a personally controlled and directed adventure.

1. One Year Patterning – for designing your desired future
2. Five Messages – gain insight into your total self
3. Free Flow 12 – an unparalleled background for personal exploration
4. NVC I – non-verbal communication, the language of intuitive thought
5. NVC II – broaden perception in all states of your being
6. Compoint 12 – establish a reference point for communication with higher consciousness

Wave V - Exploring (3 CD)

Following Focus 12, you will be introduced to Focus 15 - the "no time" state - the state of simply being. It is here that you can connect with your intuition, far beyond any five senses.

1. Advanced Focus 12 – strengthen and reinforce your familiarity with this valuable state
2. Discovering Intuition – use Focus 12 as a natural foundation for enhancing your intuitive abilities
2. Exploring Intuition – further exploration of your intuitive abilities
3. Intro to Focus 15 – be guided into Focus 15, the state of “no time,” where time does not exist for you
4. Mission 15 Creation and Manifestation – explore Focus 15 as a powerful state of creation and manifestation
5. Exploring Focus 15 – a free flow opportunity for further exploration of this extraordinary state


Hind: 333.00 EUR /55.00 EUR

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